If you look carefully you can see an 8 year old boy whose parents have too much money. Apparently he's the youngest person to go to both poles. We are now getting some tourist flights coming in. From my understanding the trip to the South Pole costs about $30,000 and includes about 2 hours at the pole. I believe the tourists are not allowed inside the station. Some other groups are getting dropped of at 89 degrees south and skiing the rest of the way to the pole.
A twin otter taking off. We were quite busy yesterday with about 5 flights. My boss came in on one of them, so now we'll actually have to start working.
Some sun dogs with the 22 degree arc. I guess it can be formed by specifically shaped ice crystals at high altitudes or low altitudes and to be honest I'm not sure which it was in this photo, but there was some blowing snow. I'll have to use the wide angle to try to get the whole thing.
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