I just saw my first wild penguin. I was convinced I wouldn't see one, but even though it wasn't up close, I'll count it.

It's interesting, most of the people I'm with came down two years ago for the first launch of ANITA. I had heard stories about how much they had hated it here, and so I had low expectations. I had also heard about some of the activities they had and was looking forward to them. There was the polar plunge, whale watching on the ice breaker, Cape Royd's trip, and masses of penguins following the ice breaker. Well there was no polar plunge this year, the Coast Guard didn't send down their icebreaker so there likely won't be any whale watching, there never was a tour of Cape Royd's offered, and there have been few penguins. I have since spoken with people down here, and all those occurances are pretty rare. The people that were here two years ago didn't even realize how lucky they were. One of the members was even able to go the South Pole twice as part of recovery, and so as much as I felt that it was unlikely it would happen to me, I had hopes of going. I would have liked to have done all those activities, but I don't feel that my trip has been anything less than truly amazing. I guess I have reasons to come back.
Some of my students in Geography lesson were wondering whether there's full moon sighting over antartica.... ?
I would assume so, though I have never seen one. I have actually only seen the moon a few times since I have been here, and once was last night when it was slightly less than half full. I've only seen the moon low in the sky. I think it's because it's always sunny here in the summer and so bright out I don't notice the moon much.
Actually, you can see a half moon during the summer at McMurdo. I remember seeing it when I was down there last month. You can't see a full moon because it is opposite the sun, so a full moon is below the horizon all the time.
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