I finally got around to stitching together some photos. They all have flaws, but that's the way it goes.

This is a 360 from the top of Castle Rock. I have been limited on the size I can upload, so I had to reduce the image size substantially. I wish I could post the original.

This is a shot from the backside of LDB. Again, I had to reduce the image size, the original is pretty neat if I may say so myself.

Our camp at Snow School.

The backside of LDB when ANITA was out on the pad for GPS testing. Yes, the land is flat there.

Launch day.

Practicing a hook to hook transfer. That is a 22 degree arc. I didn't realize how well it would come out, so I should have taken photos at Taylor Dome when there was the arc, sun dogs, and a parhelic arc.

The inside of one of the apple shelters on the trail to Castle Rock.
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