Every year, the Kiwi's at Scott Base play the Americans from McMurdo in a rugby match. This year happened to be the inaugural Ross Island Cup match, presumably because somebody got funding for a cup. It was billed as the most Southern rugby match ever played, for what that's worth. Scott Base has 16 people, McMurdo now has around 850. This is somewhat misleading as a number of Kiwis stay at McMurdo. However, the Americans have never won, and have never scored a try.
The field was not regulation size, but 15 people played on a side. The game was divided into 15 minute quarters, instead of the usual halves. All-in-all it was a pretty good game.

Two Americans were injured during the game, and the firefighters were there to attend to them. Three people were medevac'ed because of injuries at the softball game, and that was with mixed nationality teams.
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